
Our Projects

Parental Advocacy

Elfrida is proud to offer a specialist advocacy service for parents with learning disabilities and/or autism or learning difficulties (LDAD) to understand and navigate the complex court processes of child protection and foster care.

Our advocates have extensive experience in this field and will support parents at every stage of their journey within the care system.

Types of support on offer include preparing, attending and debriefing with parents at meetings or court hearings and liaising with social care and legal professionals.

We also provide easy read information about advocacy for new clients. Referrals to this service are usually made and funded by Social Services. You can find out more about our parental advocacy and how to make a referral here:

Specialist Advocacy for Parents with LDAD Leaflet

What is an ESPP Advocate Leaflet

Parents' Project - Referral Form

ESPP flowchart

Advocacy Charter A3

Or you can contact us on advocacy@elfrida.com or 07801 529963.

Our Impact

Timely independent advocacy offers numerous benefits, including promoting social justice, reducing stigma for individuals with LDAD in parenting. It enhances communication with professionals, emphasising a two way process, and raises awareness of disability rights and children's rights. Additionally, it generates a significant social return on investment by preserving family unity, thereby avoiding costly child protection processes, foster care, or adoption.

Overall, investing in timely advocacy contributes to a more equitable and inclusive society while ensuring positive outcomes for individuals with LDAD and their families.

During the last two years parents supported by the project achieved the following outcomes:

- 39% parents maintained parental responsibility

- 29% parents having regular contact with their children who are in long-term foster care arrangements

- 11% sharing parental responsibility with family or friends and the Local Authority.

Care Act and Community Advocacy

Our Care Act advocates support clients to understand their rights to be fully involved in a local authority assessment, care and support planning, care review, or safeguarding process.

Getting the right care and support can be crucial for this to happen, but many people with learning disabilities lack the right support and services in their local community.

Our advocates can help identify support needs, prepare for assessments and will also help clients be involved in making and reviewing every decision.

They can offer support with finances, housing, legal problems, welfare benefits, mental and physical health, safeguarding and bereavement.

Referrals to this service are usually made and funded by Social Services. You can find out more about our advocacy support offer and how to make a referral here:

Community & Care Act Advocacy - Referral Form

Care Act Advocacy Leaflet

Or you can contact us on advocacy@elfrida.com or 07801 529963.

Health Advocacy

We also provide free advocacy for adults 18+ with LDAD to access support attending medical appointments, improving access to health care support, and resolving issues with health providers.

Our advocates can support clients to keep track of and attend appointments and complete health action plans, hospital passports and care reviews.

They will also ensure clients understand what health professionals say to ensure they make the best decisions for their situations.

Clients can self-refer by contacting us directly. We also receive referrals from local authorities, specialist services, carers, family members and self-referrals.

You can find out more about our community and health advocacy and how to make a referral here:

Health Advocacy Leaflet

Health Advocacy Referral Form

Or you can contact us on advocacy@elfrida.com or 07801 529963.

User-Led Quality Audits & Consultation

Our quality checking monitors are part of a unique project informed and led by experts by experience funded by Islington Council. A team of 10 made up of adults with LDAD and family carers, each person has personal experience of using similar services and can offer a very different perspective on what makes them 'good'.

Our team regularly visit day services and supported living placements around the borough to consult with service users and their carers on the services they use. The reports they produce help to make vital improvements to the lives of people with LDAD and hold providers accountable to make positive changes.

Islington Council take great care to act upon the information shared by the team and the respect shown to them and their role is something for everyone to be proud of.

You can find out more about our quality checking and monitoring team, including our contact details here.

ULM Flyer

CVM Flyer

Power and Control Team

The Power & Control Team is an impactful and effective working group consisting of supported employees and volunteers with LDAD.

The team use their lived-experience to represent their peers to improve policy & practice in services in Islington.

The group attends council meetings and speak up for people with LDAD, campaigning for better accessibility within council and community settings and take an active role in making positive changes.

They work closely with the Monitoring Team to share their findings and concerns with commissioners.

Our staff team actively consult with other people with LDAD and play a pivotal role in setting priorities in collaboration with the Family Carers Action Group (FCAG) and other professionals within the Islington Learning Disability Partnership.

The group are well-respected across the borough and have a significant role in developing accessibility in many Council services.

You can find out more about the Power and Control Group or about how to join the group as a volunteer here.

P&C Group Flyer

"We give feedback and input into new projects/buildings such as the upcoming Windsor Road development" - Martin

"We speak up for all people with learning disabilities and/or autism" - June

"We raise important concerns on behalf of local people with learning disabilities, such as being unable to use cash, long waits for housing repairs, and contact with professionals becoming online only" - Adrian

"We review and provide expert advice on how to make information easier to understand" - Lloyd

"We campaign for better accessibility within council services, events and subgroups" - Rodney

Our Award Winner Sports Project - Sport Gives Back Group of the Year Award 2024

The Elfrida Society's sport initiatives, in partnership with SportWorks, Middlesex Cricket, the Football Association, and supported by The Dan Maskell Tennis Trust, Sports England, the Big Lottery, Islington Local Initiatives Fund and other key sponsors, seeks to break down barriers that individuals with learning disabilities face in accessing sports in London.

By addressing these challenges, we aim to create an inclusive and empowering environment, ensuring that everyone, regardless of ability, can enjoy the numerous physical and social benefits that sports bring.

Inclusive Sports Activities for Adults

We proudly offer a wide range of sports activities for adults over 18 with learning disabilities and neurodiverse individuals in our community. While we also work closely with schools to facilitate sports access for young people aged 16 and above, these school-based activities are specifically organised in partnership with educational institutions. We are always open to setting up new programs in collaboration with schools and colleges.

All other activities are designed for adults, and we warmly welcome participants of all ages, genders, and diverse backgrounds. Join us and be part of our inclusive sports community!

Together, we strive to overcome obstacles, promoting equal opportunities and enriching the lives of individuals with learning disabilities through sports engagement.

Our specialist coach combines tennis-based ball and racket skills with fitness and fun.
Where: Islington Tennis Centre and Gym.
When: Every Wednesday, 11:00am to 12:00pm.

Body conditioning, light weight training, yoga, intensity interval training and boxercise.
Where: Islington Tennis Centre and Gym.
When: Every Monday 2:30pm to 3:30pm.

All round cricket training to develop technical and social skills.
Where: Caxton Community House (winter) / Elthorne Park (summer)
When: Every Friday, 1:00pm to 2:30pm.

Basic football training and fun non-competitive team games. All disabilities and ages welcome.
To find out more or to join our football team, please contact Nikki on Nikki.chivers@Elfrida.com or 07841 033248

You can find more about our sports activities, how to join a session or how to make a referral here:

Tennis Sessions Flyer

Fitness Sessions Flyer

Cricket Sessions Flyer

Elfrida Sports Referral Form

Elfrida Football Club Sessions Flyer

Or you can contact Nikki on Nikki.chivers@Elfrida.com or 07841 033248.